il pittore mi ha guardata e ha detto ma è ovvio che tu non sei di questo pianeta

vieni dalla parte oscura della luna 

c’è un ombrello aperto nel giardino da due settimane

perché nessuno riesce a richiuderlo

“A discrete something with borders”

“è bellissimo qui. è proprio

come negli anni 50”

Photography is (like everything else) about telling stories and exploring and enjoying human empathy.

It is as if every work speaks indirectly about a relationship
we spend a lot of time together when we shoot
we create a feeling that I still don’t know what it is

A work is always about something else but at the end of the day it's always about me
It talks about a person but also about me interfacing with the person

Wondering what the hell it says about me?
I see this constant search for relationship
 Which somehow also seems to work because I am in a protected position
and subjects are more vulnerable, as I usually feel, and it's selfishly easier 

A relationship is not immediate 

I have to admit that the relationial system has always been mysterious and complex to me
Ironic that I have a degree in communication studies. perhaps not because of a strong ability but 
because of an actual attempt to understand
I’ve always taken note by watching people communicate

And I also feel so guilty when I spend my time with my loved ones photographing them

Sometimes what you see is what I can do by relating
a kind of self-test of my own abilities
sometimes in other people’s relationships I see something  that I would like to have
or something I wouldn't like to
sometimes they’re simply relationships which work 
and there you can find a childlike inspiration and beauty
a dreamy admiration and a longing for more
Sometimes they are just attempts